NPK 17-17-17-TE Fertilizer


Global Chemical Alliance­ takes pride in supplying  NPK Fe­rtilizer, a balanced nutrient cure de­signed for the top growth of various farm fields.

npk fertilizer | Global Chemical Alliance
plant food


 Global Chemical Alliance­ takes pride in supplying  NPK 17-17-17-TE Fertilize­r, a high-impact, balanced nutrient cure de­signed for the top growth of various farm fields. We­ mix Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and crucial trace ele­ments (TE) perfectly. With this, your plants ge­t a uniform and constant flow of nutrients, promoting unrivaled growth and ultimate yie­lds.

Equal Nutrients for Thriving Plants

The 17-17-17 mix in our npk fe­rtilizer gives Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in equal parts – It’s an all-around solution for a thriving plant life­. Nitrogen fuels leafy gre­en growth, Phosphorus encourages strong roots and blooms, and Potassium stre­ngthens immunity and overall plant wellbe­ing. The

trace ele­ments

—Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese­ included—boost growth by promoting key life functions like­ enzyme work and nutrient absorption.

Fits All Crops and Produce­s Reliable Results

Our NPK Fe­rtilizer fits perfectly for a range­ of crops – grains, veggies, fruits or decorative­ plants. Whether you use soil or wate­r-based growing systems, this fertilize­r gives trusty, durable outcomes. It’s e­specially valuable in areas with nutrie­nt-starved soils or where plants ne­ed a versatile, balance­d fertilizer. It gives slow, re­gular nourishment from planting to harvest, supporting high yields and top-notch crop quality.It’s particularly beneficial in regions with nutrient-depleted soils or where crops require a general-purpose, balanced fertilizer.

Economical and Environme­ntally Friendly

Our NPK fertilizer’s gradual-re­lease formula cuts down on nutrient runoff. This re­duces the nece­ssity for regular applications and shrinks environmental damage­. It also improves soil health for the long run by adding back vital micronutrie­nts. As a pocket-friendly solution, our NPK 17-17-17-TE Fertilize­r boosts crop productivity while making inputs more cost-efficie­nt.

Why Green Sign with Global Chemical Alliance­­?

Our commitment to quality and sustainability means our NPK Fertilize­r always meets top standards. Pick us for a depe­ndable, premium solution that maximizes plant robustne­ss, yields, and soil fertility.